Maurizio Montagna
Damiani, Rome, Italy, 2009
pages 140
first edition
dimensions 27 × 21 cm, softcover
language English
ISBN 978-8862080262
Maurizio Montagna
Maurizio Montagna has been working with photography for 20 years. His work, which has been created with view cameras, deals with themes related to the urban landscape, architecture and studies about the variety of forms of expressions offered by photography.
Creating articulated projects that connect language to representation, Montagna’s work challenges the documentary potential of photography.
Maurizio Montagna has been working with photography for 20 years. His work, which has been created with view cameras, deals with themes related to the urban landscape, architecture and studies about the variety of forms of expressions offered by photography.
Creating articulated projects that connect language to representation, Montagna’s work challenges the documentary potential of photography.