
In this section you will find a selection of books by and about photography belonging to the Rolla Collection. The Library consists of about 3000 titles and is continually expanding. The collected volumes include first editions, rare and signed books.

Peter Lindbergh
Lindbergh Peter
Schirmer / Mosel, München, Paris, London, 2013

pages 312
first edition
dimensions 38.5 × 26 cm, Softcover
language English
ISBN 3-88814-967-3
Selbstverlag, Switzerland, 1998
Claudia Roth
pages 40
first edition
dimensions 30 × 20 cm, softcover
language German / French
Schulstelle dritte welt, Bern, Switzerland, 1991

pages 50
first edition
dimensions 30 × 24.5 cm, softcover
language German
ISBN 3-907828-00-3
Wiebke Loeper
Edition J.J. Heckenhauer, Berlin, DE, 2005
Annette Gröschner
first edition
dimensions 19.5 × 15 cm, hardcover
language German, French, English
ISBN 9783980607988
Günter und Waldtraut Braun, Berlin, DE, 2006

first edition
dimensions 19.5 × 15 cm, hardcover
language German
Richard Long
Adamello Walk
Skira, Milan, Italy, 2000
Gabriella Belli, Giovanna Nicoletti
pages 104
first edition
dimensions 16.5 × 28 cm, softcover
language Italian / English
ISBN 88-8118-828-7
Ghirri Luigi
Mack, London, 1978
Francesco Zanot
pages 104
dimensions 27 × 21 cm, softcover
language English / Italian
ISBN 9781907946240
Giovanni Luisoni
Vigino, dentro la masseria
Salvioni Edizioni, Bellinzona, Switzerland, 2008

pages 76
first edition
dimensions 21.5 × 30 cm, hardcover
language Italian
ISBN 978-88-7967-173-6
Salvioni Edizioni, Bellinzona, Switzerland, 2014

pages 120
dimensions 29.5 × 21 cm, hardcover
language Italian
Salvioni Edizioni, Bellinzona, Switzerland, 2019

pages 366
dimensions 28.5 × 24.5 cm, hardcover
language Italian
ISBN 978 88 7967 430 0
Urs Lüthi
Urs Lüthi
Stähli, Zürich, Switzerland, 1978

pages 120
first edition
dimensions 24.5 × 34.5 cm, hardcover with jacket
language English
Vera Lutter
Vera Lutter
Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern, Germany, 2012

pages 144
first edition
dimensions 28.6 × 24.6 cm, hardcover
language French / English
ISBN 978-3-7757-3278-9
Vivian Maier
Out of the shadow
Cityfiles Press Book, Chicago, USA, 2012

pages 281
first edition
dimensions 23.5 × 23.5 cm, hardcover with jacket
language English
ISBN 978-0-9785450-9-3
Vivian Maier
Street Photography
Powerhouse Books, New York, USA, 2011
John Maloof, Geoff Dryer
pages 136
first edition
dimensions 29 × 26 cm, hardcover with jacket
language English
ISBN 978-1-57686-577-3
Esko Männikkö
100% Cashmere
Ballantyne, Scotland, 2003

pages 80
first edition
dimensions 24.5 × 29.5 cm, hardcover
language English
ISBN 0-9544425-0-4
Werner Mantz
Werner Mantz
Stadt Köln, Köln, Germany, 1982

pages 304
first edition
dimensions 29.5 × 21 cm, softcover
language German
J.P Bachem verlag, Düsseldorf, DE, 2000

pages 120
first edition
dimensions 28.5 × 21.5 cm, hardcover
language German
ISBN 3-7616-1434-9
Robert Mapplethorpe
Ten by Ten
Schirmer / Mosel, München, Germany, 1996

pages 152
reprinted edition
dimensions 27 × 23 cm, softcover
language German / English
ISBN 3-88814-272-5
Robert Mapplethorpe
Arena Editions, New York, USA, 1999

pages 220
first edition
dimensions 28.5 × 24.5 cm, hardcover with jacket
language English
ISBN 1-892041-16-2
Robert Mapplethorpe
Secret Flowers
Photology, Milan, Italy, 1993

pages 88
first edition
dimensions 19 × 13.5 cm, hardcover
language Italian / English
ISBN 88-85838-92-8